30-Day Trial is Still On - Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Here's the quickest and dirtiest of the reviews on InStyler you'll ever read. Ready?

It works. It doesn't leave your hair pressed flat like a flat iron. It flattens without damaging the hair. It curls beautifully and styles your hair anyway you like. I use it every day. You should too. There. Done.

How does it do this?

It has a patented heated cylindrical roller that moves the hair between it and the brush bristles smoothly and safely. It doesn't require nearly as much heat as many other of the hair styling gadgets do. That's the main reason why the hair is left undamaged.

You cannot buy this product in stores, but you can get one today for a 30-day trial. Also, if you choose to buy one, and I think you will, you get 2 for the price of 1. It'll make a terrific present for someone.

The reviews on InStyler are in and the verdict is -- Yes!

Order one today and see what I mean.

Shocking Reviews on InStyler

Prepare to be shocked. Because you will be when you see how simple, easy, and effective The InStyler is for straightening, curling, and adding body to your hair. The reviews on the InStyler are in and the verdict is Yes!

This is an incredibly clever product. My girlfriend mentioned this to me one day telling me she was absolutely thrilled with it. And her hair was styled beautifully, I just assumed she had been to the salon. But no, according to her The InStyler gives you the same gorgeous salon results in less time and for a fraction of the price. OK, I was hooked. I immediately signed up for the free trial offer. (I'm so easy).

Now I know by now you're asking just how does it achieve these results? It all has to do with the design. The secret is a rotating heated polished cylinder that styles your hair beautifully without the need for the intense heat used by typical styling gadgets.

E! Entertainment Television says “This is THE hair accessory of the moment. This thing does everything – it straightens, it curls.”

Glamour Magazine says “It looked like one of those kooky gadgets that was a little too good to be true. But ladies, I’m here to tell you that it really works … The bottom line is that my hair looks much sleeker than when I use my regular flat iron.”

I think at this point it might help to watch a video demonstration so click on any of the links in this article and they will take you directly to a video that will demonstrate exactly what The InStyler can do for you. I think that after watching the video you’re probably going to want one of these. ;-)